We Know Your Pain

Your Compliance Zone co-founders Michele Shuster and Ted Bernard have firsthand experience with the many challenges, costs, and frustrations associated with keeping businesses compliant within the complex landscape of state regulations. They first met over a decade ago, when Ted hired Michele’s law firm to provide legal guidance and assistance with his company’s regulatory compliance affairs. Over the years, the two continued to work together, presenting compliance strategies at industry conferences, and working with companies across regulated industries.

Through their experience, they identified several common approaches to managing compliance, each resulting in great expense and/or great risk to businesses:

  1. Invest in an internal team to research, track, and manage all compliance needs,
  2. Assign compliance responsibilities to administrative staff, often times individuals with limited training and little time among other job priorities, or
  3. Ignore it all and hope for the best.

They knew there had to be a better solution to help companies achieve and maintain compliance with less hassle, less expense, and less risk…one that provides the tools and support to give companies confidence in their compliance efforts, and the freedom to focus more on the demands of their business and less on the details of regulatory paperwork. Your Compliance Zone brings together inside knowledge of state regulatory agencies, an understanding of the complex regulatory environment, and real-world contact center experience….in a comprehensive, cloud-based resource supported by a team of compliance specialists.

They knew there had to be a better solution to help companies achieve and maintain regulatory compliance with less hassle, less expense, and less risk…

Michele Shuster

Board Chair

As Board Chair, Michele brings unmatched insight and experience to Your Compliance Zone. She has spent her career in the trenches of consumer protection law, beginning in the Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section, where she helped shape the regulatory landscape for businesses across the nation. She later moved to “the other side of the table” to provide regulatory counsel and defense to businesses in heavily regulated industries, her practice also serving as General Counsel to major industry association groups, including the Professional Association for Customer Engagement (PACE.) From day one, Michele’s practice focused on much more than defense, stressing the importance of developing a proactive approach to compliance management and helping clients create processes to manage their compliance successfully. Your Compliance Zone represents her vision of continuing to provide businesses with the best compliance tools, technology and support to optimize a company’s operations, not impede them.

Ted Bernard

President & CEO

Ted is President and CEO of Your Compliance Zone. He brings over two decades of business leadership and consulting experience in the customer engagement and contact center industries. His success in working with a wide range of businesses stems from a deep understanding of how to integrate people, process, and technologies into effective business solutions. He has led teams and business portfolios requiring critical contact center support, helping to grow a business process outsourcing firm into a global player. Developing internal teams and company processes for managing compliance, Ted knows first-hand the challenges, costs, and time involved trying to maintain compliance in a complex regulatory environment. His commitment to understanding regulatory compliance even led him to becoming one of the first PACE-SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization) certified compliance auditors. Ted brings a passion for customer engagement and a keen eye for the details to his role in leading the Your Compliance Zone team.